Wednesday, May 20, 2020



Awareness is only difficult if we make it so!


So many of my students and clients over the years have thought that they didn’t have intuition or that…..

*”it only belonged to others”“

*”to those more advanced then they were”

*”only those who were born with the gifts and abilities had it”

*it was too difficult to learn so why bother”

*wasn’t for them because they felt they didn’t have any intuition”


Or even that you took a class or two but it didn’t “stick” so you quit trying.


Maybe you even “know” or “see” things before they happen then you are amazed when they DO?! Then you are like Whoa did that really happen? You might even get into self doubt?


Or you have major overwhelm like a sponge of other peoples emotions, feelings and thoughts because you are “way too sensitive” more then others and you don’t know what to do with all this….so you may even get panic attacks and want to self isolate more then we are now with this big pause happening?


Ever have something come out of your mouth and you had no idea where it came from yet it was so awesome and spot on?!


Do you see yourself in any of these making you feel your weren’t good enough to learn or doubting your could ever learn how to really understand or activate your intuition?


Or your head goes to what would you do with your intuitive gifts once you opened “that door”? That this may seem too scary like it’s going to open Pandora’s box or something much worse – that woo woo stuff people have warned you about?! Yikes!


The good news is….we are all born with intuition…whether we use it or not it’s there.


Waiting for us to acknowledge it.


Waiting for us to finally start paying attention to it.


Waiting for us to USE IT!


Because I bet you have had that quiet little voice that has told you to take that right turn NOW yet you ignored it and wham you are stuck in traffic because of an accident or something similar to this. Right?


Intuition is our birthright! We innately have this ability from birth yet we constantly put it down as “just my imagination” or “oh, that’s just a coincidence that this happened”.


We talk ourselves out of paying attention to that voice that is connected to divine source that can save us so much headache and time yet we CHOOSE to ignore it…


Maybe it is because we have been taught to not pay attention to it or that it is wrong because your logical intellect tells you that can’t be.


Or maybe you wanted something so bad like a relationship so you chose to ignore that feeling you got that this person wasn’t a right fit yet you get in that relationship and soon afterwards regret not listening to that voice!


We’ve all done it. We’ve all ignored it. We can all acknowledge that it has happened yet some of us won’t because it isn’t scientifically proven (yet it is) or you haven’t got any confirmations even though you may have seen the confirmations yet you are so into your logical mind you just shrug off these intuitive hits or confirmations.


It happens and that’s okay because it is a new day and you have a new opportunity to open these potent channels up in my newly created Say Yes to Yourself 9 week intensive program!


 In the Say Yes to Yourself you will learn tools that will assist you in stripping away the unhealed wounds, myths, patterns and beliefs that have been holding you back from really realizing that once you do open up your intuition your entire life will open up to magical happenings and manifestations.


Learning to use your intuition as a tool is so freaking powerful!


So back to all these clients who have thought they didn’t have intuition or knew they did yet they didn’t know how to use it right?


Well, I’ve worked with them on peeling back those onion layers – layer by layer because I know from experience myself how this feels to be intuitive, empathic, “knowing”, seeing or hearing things others can’t and over the years I have turned my own intuitive abilities and gifts into tools that I share with others so they too can take back their sanity, lives and feel empowered to use them!


It’s my mission…it’s my passion to help others and that’s why I’m excited to have the Say Yes to Yourself intensive program where we can work 1:1 to delve deep into your own traumas, wounds, patterns and beliefs that may have come from this life or past, ancestral, parents or from others that has held you back from shining you light brighter to being the most luminous highest potential light being you were meant to be!


That is your birthright as well….to shine like the beacon of light you are….because you have felt the call…you have been called to a higher calling to fulfill…that calling is YOU and you can shine your light so much brighter then you are right now!


All you have to do is message me to get started....

I'm so looking forward to hearing from you, Maureen Browning, Three Mirrors Healing

**A lot of these blogs I have written for my Facebook pages so you might want to stop by and check them out as I also have done some lovely Live calls for a month to help people during the pandemics BIG Pause time. Take care!




***Just a note from Maureen Browning the author of this intuitive download I received for my SAY YES to YOURSELF a 9 week intensive program I offer in my intuitive coaching business. 

So after you read this and feel called to work with my on busting through what is holding you back then contact me. Blessings and Enjoy reading!*****



Busting through those blocks

First is the need to uncover those Shadows

Those “truths” that we thought were our truths

That drives our beliefs

Our very foundation of what we thought the patterns we built around our behaviors were actually built on shaky ground

On the ground we were led to believe is the absolute

The very truth of our perspective and vision of seeing things

What if

We find these untruths

That we have hung onto

Quoted them verbatim

Like mantras all our lives

Are actually not our truths?

You may be asking yourself

How can that be?

How could I have believed for so long that these “truths” were really NOT my truths?

That GASP they were actually someone else’s “truths”!

Like your dad, your mother, siblings or partners truths

And YOU took them on like a mantle on your shoulders as “YOUR TRUTHS”!

You carried these shadows & burdens of other people’s truths that weighed you down

Like no matter how you try to move these shadow untruths around in the dance of staying true to what no longer fits you anymore

These truths are like weighted costumes and masks that you were handed a long time ago or very recently

And you took them.

Held them as your truths

You stand before your closet full of these untruths

Trying to fit one costume or another on

Even the masks

Yet they no longer fit right

They feel awkward, itchy and hang from your shoulders in jagged unevenness from all the wear & tear

Some in tatters from all the wear

Even the masks seem false

As you try to secure them onto your face

It is taking more effort each time to wear these masks and costumes

Even as you stand in front of the mirror that reflects your mind, body and spirit

You know something isn’t right

That they no longer fit in the way they used to

No matter how much you try to adjust & move

To keep these shadow untruths in their correct place

As should any mask and costume

Even after trying and trying

Effort after effort

They just don’t work for you anymore

You may even try to match a mask you used at work, at a party or in a relationship

Firmly placed to hide your true self

You may try to match it with another costume

No matter how many times you try

You get the same results

The same feeling

That no matter what you do it just isn’t working

Yet you keep looking in your closet of costumes and masks

That has served you in the past

For that one “key” piece

That one single key that will fall into place

To make everything work

But it doesn’t

I’ve been there

Just like you I was in a school where I wanted to desperately fit in

My friends were all honor roll students and they had horses

And I was the only one of the friends who wasn’t on honor roll

Or had a horse

I just never put forth the effort even though I knew I could be on the honor roll

Instead I put on the mask

I put on the costume of the cool guys the “hoodies” to go hang around them on the “wall” of our campus as they smoked cigarettes and plan their next skipping class scheme.

Because you see I didn’t want to fully be seen as a “brainy” or a “nerd” I put on the mask to be a “cool guy” a “hoodie” all the time telling myself I wanted to be friends with a large group of people.

Yet I was wounded and didn’t want people to know

The true me

The masks were awkward yet I kept putting more on

I even wore a mask when I was married

Reciting the mantra “Now you made your bed you have to lay in it”

The vision of the desired white picket fence mask was firmly in place

The mask and costumes of being married even though my husband was absent from the relationship

From the financial responsibilities

I wore the different masks and costumes through all the years of my marriage, birth of my daughter, divorce and other unfulfilling relationships that followed over the years

Even my jobs that I had in my long career with the same company in the corporate world had the masks & costumes that became worn, frayed, frazzled and unbearable to wear

Hiding my spirituality

My intuition and healing abilities

You see I was learning which ones to wear of those shadow masks and costumes of my untruths

Changing them out for each relationship

Each situation

Each time I went into work I wore those masks and costumes that I needed to wear to survive my untruths

That I told myself this was how life was

Until my closet became overflowing with these masks & costumes of my “truths”

That weren’t really MINE to BEGIN WITH!

I became tired of dancing with those “truths”

In front of the mirror of my body, mind and spirit

I was living a lie

I was living in untruths

Of who I truly was





Feeling victimized by repeated circumstances and situations in my life

That held me “hostage”

Until I felt totally

Paralyzed to be fully who I really was


A part of me had strength and a knowing

That was greater then myself

A spark that wanted to grow bigger and brighter

That I was more then my wounded self

Because I didn’t know what that “key” was

I knew I needed that “one piece” of the puzzle that would fit

Just right

That would solve the “puzzle” of my life

I kept searching for it by taking classes, outside sources, building my businesses, wearing more costumes and masks

Yet not as much as before

In fits and spurts

Until finally I truly began to work on myself in a deeper way then ever before

To uncover the untruths

To strip away more of the masks & costumes I have been hiding behind

Those shadow untruths of scarcity, unworthiness, not being good enough and so many more

The hurt

The pain

I’ve peeled back layers and layers of my life, previous lives, ancestors whose truths served them

But not me

To the distorted “truths“ I learned as a child and young adult

That seemed to shape and mold me

Into something I truly was not

I learned how to identify them

I peeled back those layers of the onion

I learned how to find the entry points of their origins

Uncovering the shaky foundation these untruths and shadows were built on

To be willing and able to let them dissolve away

To be transmuted into a higher vibration

That allows me to step in

To step up

To who I truly am

This unique wonderful beautiful light being

Who knows

And trusts

In the wisdom and knowledge

That was always there

I just had to

Say Yes to Myself!

To really embrace

Who and What I AM

I know it is a journey

A process that may take more years of my life to fully uncover all

That I am imperfectly perfect

It may be scary

Yet it is so exciting

To finally

Say Yes to Life

To say Yes to Yourself!

So if you have read this far

I know you have been called

And listened to your intuition

To follow that intuition that calls within you

Like a magnet

To read this

To know that you too can relate

To the story of my transformation

Of wearing these masks and costumes

That you are ready

To step in

And step up

To allowing yourself

To shine

To remember

And be

Your own unique wonderful beautiful light being that you already are

To learn how to fully trust and know there is a way out

It is through

Knowing its finally time

To step into and embrace your true luminous light


Are you ready to take that next step of faith and trust

To giving yourself permission

No matter how scary and excited you are

Take that step of contacting me?

Let chat

Let’s see what magic lies ahead for you

That luminous light of YOU

Wednesday, August 3, 2016



I am sharing this important message we all need to feel in our hearts everywhere around this beautiful planet we call Earth. 
These are a few excerpts from an email I received:

From the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers

Dear Friends and Relatives,
I embrace you as beautiful relatives of the world and I offer you an open hand to show that I greet you in peace.

By stepping forward between and within cultures, and languages we can overcome boundaries. We can cross borders not only geographically but also psychologically and spiritually. It is time to make a commitment to encourage the development of a new history and partnership among us. This is what the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers have done over the years.

Our heartfelt efforts have been focused on the basic call to consciousness "We are all related", which is based on the principles of interconnectedness, and humility. It is precisely these principles that need to be integrated into our lives in a deeper way. Everything is my relative, which helps us to see the value in each person and each living thing.

If we were to look back at Earth from 200 miles up in space, division does not exist, and it is very clear that we are one family on one planet. This simple point of view could guide us to act in a why that is life sustaining and our worldview will be more open and inclusive. We will listen more and have greater patience finding solutions.

Now is the time of awakening, where we become aware of our connectedness and our fundamental relationship to each other and most importantly of our existence in this world.

Grandmother Mona

This is a powerful message for all, especially for the next 7 generations and I truly wanted to share with all of you!

There is now sadly 12 Grandmothers (one has already crossed over to the other side), who continue to travel around the world with their combined teachings, knowledge and wisdom garnered from their different cultures and countries.

They will be gathering soon in the Catskills mountains and as Grandma Mona said in this email: 
"Our upcoming gathering will give us an opportunity to come together in circle to share our stories, to pray together in our respective ceremony with all who attend. 

It has been a long journey, and we are saddened to say that some of the grandmothers will no longer be able to travel after this gathering. With that in mind, we are all so happy to gather with all our friends and relatives. We look forward to greeting everyone who will attend."

(Please look below for the Grandmothers website for information on the gathering and how you can monetarily contribute with their Creation to Completion crowdfunding - 7 days left to raise over $7.000 to cover their expenses for the trip)

For years I have followed the profound and inspiring teachings, sharing and ceremonies that the original 13 Grandmothers have done over these many years.

I've also been very fortunate and grateful to have personally participated in two different ceremonies with two of the Grandmothers, Grandma Agnes and Grandma Margared. 

One of them was a water ceremony many years ago with Grandma Agnes for the healing of the water of the Columbia river between Oregon and Washington. Grandma Agnes brought water from her travels all over the world which she then added each of these waters together into a crystal bowl with a big crystal sitting majestically in the middle of the bowl, then each of us went up to and said prayers over the water for the health, healing and return of the salmon runs in the Columbia river. Everyone there felt the energy flowing out from our little gathering of healing prayers to the waters of this world for their healing as well.

 A few years after that water ceremony I was again honored to be one of only a handful of people participating in a sacred ceremony for incarcerated boys in Centralia, Washington with Grandma Margaret

These memories I hold dear to my heart and know that I have been touched by amazing women of wisdom that still resonate with me today and for many years into the future. 

This is but a small sampling of what these women have done and still do. If you would like to know more about the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers please go to their website 

The upcoming gathering of the remaining 12 Grandmothers will be in the Catskills mountain where they will be at the Menla Center 
Be sure to check out what the Dali Lama requested in opening the Tibet House US which is part of the Menla Center

Thank you for reading and sharing this important information so others can assist the Grandmothers in coming together.

Blessings and Peace to All My Relatives,
Maureen Browning
Three Mirrors Healing
August 3, 2016 

Friday, July 29, 2016


Feeling Boxed In?
By Maureen Browning
Three Mirrors Healing
July 29, 2016

Have you ever felt like you were boxed in and needed wiggle room to create some forward momentum?

That is how I felt recently so I wanted to share this story of how it happened to me and the learning opportunity it created...

Twice yesterday on two separate times on two different streets I got into my car to pull out of a parallel parking spot by a curb on a busy street, looked behind me to back up as I put the car in reverse, saw no car behind mine and proceeded to back up and each time a car would pull up close to my rear bumper and park, right away the drivers got out and walked away not looking back when I honked to try to get their attention! Wow!

Each time I thought I had left enough room to get out from behind the car in front of me
but with someone so close behind me it was very tight. After many tiny movements of the gas and brake, back and forth, turning the steering wheel a little bit each time I was thankfully able to get out each time and go on my way without being late for my next

I wasn’t feeling angry, just perplexed and wondering how people could pull up so close to
another car with their reverse lights on without thinking about how the other person would get out from being sandwiched so closely between two cars, especially since there was plenty of room behind them that made it unnecessary for them to pull up like that.

This morning as I was telling my daughter about these similar back to back experiences, I realized that the meaning was my "ability to get out of tight spots"!

That even though it may have seemed almost impossible to get out of some really “tight spots” we all have the capability, means and knowledge to get ourselves out of these

It may take a few tiny back and forth motions – a couple steps back, adjust slightly and then few steps forward...and then repeating these steps over and over again – with lots of patience before we can gain the momentum we need to get going.

Maybe the universe is sending a message to let me (and all of you) know a way to prepare for any “tight spots” that I may need to get out of and that yes, I now know that I can get out of them easily with some effort by keeping calm and focused on the direction I want to go in.

AND to remind myself to have lots and lots of patience….right?!

Friday, July 1, 2016


By Maureen Browning
Three Mirrors Healing
July 1, 2016

YOU are a beacon of light

And we are ALL connected.

So other people can feel you, too.

Imagine what shifts could be possible in the WORLD

  If we created ripples of love.  Ripples of light.  Ripples of joy.  Ripples of peace.

If we all committed to cultivating authenticityabundance, and purposefulness in our lives every single day.

Now imagine what shifts could be possible for YOU

 If you committed to a daily practice of this nature.  A practice that invoked your power.  A practice that reminded you of who you are.  A practice that inspired you to take courageous action on a dream you've been putting off.  Or on the next level of the amazing thing you're already doing.

It all starts with YOU

What amazing, power-full practice are you going to start today?

Happy Empowering Ripples of Love, Light, Joy & Peace to You,
Maureen Browning
Three Mirrors Healing